I decided to blog about this subject because it affects so many people, including my own family. When a person has made a mistake and is incarcerated, they pay their dues with time. But, they also pay for years after release with parole, probation, restitution etc. But, they also pay with background checks. It’s the luck of the draw in some cases. It can damage families bad. You apply for jobs, get some calls, and maybe get an interview. Sometimes there are 2-3 interviews for that one job you want so bad. Everything sounds great ! You get offered the job pending the background check. Fingers crossed, stress and anxiety. Then you get the email saying basically you've failed the background and thanks but no thanks. This is usually 4-6 weeks after you started the process. Bills coming in and rent due. Living this life is extremely tough and stressful. Tears marriages and families apart. When is enough, enough ? A non-violent offense with incarceration. No threat to "society".
Parole and probation want you working. So, how does that work ? Even when you've been out of prison for 3 years, you still struggle to get a decent job because of that background check. If you got lucky and had been working for say 2 years after incarceration and get laid off. You start over with the fear of the background check. Even though you've proven yourself. Also, sometimes you have to make the choice of eating or paying your restitution. Don't pay your restitution, guess where you get to go back to ? Yep, behind bars. There has to be a better way. That's easy to say. Prison population has barely changed. ALL California prison populations are over 100% capacity. Some well over that. It seems that prison reform has once again fallen by the way side. The powers that be make way too much money in the prison system to really "reform" it and you know what they say about money.....the root of all evil.